Picture it: Colorado, 2012. After delivering one of my first career workshops for my new business, I was driving the long and usually kinda boring, 2-hour commute back to Denver. However, that day, I felt electric. The workshop went very well, the career women were engaged and I felt this wave of happiness. “Thank you… Read More →
5 Ways to Create Anything At Work
You are sitting at your desk staring at a blank screen. The report that you need to send out by tomorrow at noon is looming and all you have running through your head is that Taylor Swift song telling you to “Shake it Up!” Yes, there is a time and place for booty shaking. It’s… Read More →
3 Ways to Make a Big Impact with Small Talk
Think small talk is just a waste of time? Think again. Small talk are those informal conversations you have in both your professional and personal circles that don’t cover functional topics (e.g., work related items) or have a specific purpose. However, small talk can be vital to helping you grow your network and strengthen relationships… Read More →
Why Women Leaders Make Amazing Futbol Teams
If you were like most people yesterday, you spent your Sunday huddled around a TV eating and drinking while cheering on the world’s best battle it out for the FIFA World Cup. In between the fast footwork, the head knocking jumps, and the oh-so-close shots on goal, the camera panned to the Executive Box with… Read More →
5 Steps to Getting Your Ideas Recognized in Meetings…Don’t Get Idea Swiped!
Ever have a great idea in a meeting? You are so excited about it that you hurriedly explain it to your team while your voice goes up an entire octave. When you are done, you wait to have your boss praise your brilliance, but instead you get that awkward silence and those puzzled looks. Three minutes later… Read More →
The 5 Keys To Feeling Confident Anytime, Anywhere
Ok, I’m gonna get real in this week’s blog. If you look in the media today, there are constant messaging that women aren’t good enough. Advertising that sexualizes women to sell everything from perfume to hamburgers, magazines that hold up size 0 models as the definition of beauty and success while the average woman in… Read More →
5 Strategies to Make Your ‘To Do List’ a ‘To-Done’ List
I’ve been creating to do lists since I was in middle school. I’d pull out a clean sheet of white printer paper and a pen and start writing down everything that I had to get done. Within about 5 mins, I had a page (and possibly the back) full of check boxes ready to be… Read More →
You don’t have to be a Disney princess to “Let It Go!”
If you have been anywhere on-line or watching tv, you probably have had the chorus from the Disney hit “Frozen” in your head. I know I have… in fact, it’s still there (“Let it Go! Let it Go! Can’t hold it back anymore…I don’t care, what they are going to say… cold never bothered in… Read More →
Earn Your Worth: 5 Ways to Make “Mo’ Money” without “Mo’ Problems”
It’s 2014 and women have made key strides in many centers of power like politics, entrepreneurship and corporate**, but we still lag behind in one key area: MONEY. [** I understand that there is a LONG way to go for equal power in these areas, but I’m acknowledging and celebrating the strides made to date.… Read More →
5 Keys for Turning Your Resume into a “YES!” Magnet
You see a great job posting on Linkedin and think “Wow, I could do that.” And just as you are about to start typing that cover letter you think, “Ugh, I’ll have to send in my resume.” This might be you if: You haven’t touched your resume since you got the job you are in.… Read More →