I’ve been creating to do lists since I was in middle school.
I’d pull out a clean sheet of white printer paper and a pen and start writing down everything that I had to get done. Within about 5 mins, I had a page (and possibly the back) full of check boxes ready to be checked off!
Back then, it was just a simple list about my homework and club activities. But I kept using a paper to do list through the middle ranks of corporate.
I would get a lot of joy out of checking off those boxes (CHORE-gasm!). I’d even put tasks I had completed on the list, just so I could cross them off! (Admit it, you’ve done it too.)
However, with corporate inboxes growing by hundreds a day, your old traditional process for time management may no longer work.
So, here are 5 Strategies to make your ‘To DO’ list a ‘To DONE’ list:
1) Electrify Your List
I would carry that to do sheet around with me, brim filled with task lists and cross outs as I accomplished them. But at some point, I’d lose the sheet or forget it at work. In short, I wouldn’t have my list with me and could not remember those tasks I needed to complete. So, now, I use the Reminder app in my iPhone. It’s always with me. And it eliminates my excuse not to get things done!
2) Start Multitasking with your Waiting Time
When I was applying to business school, I would record ideas for my essays on my 1.5+ hour commutes on Route 80 & 287 in NJ. Now, I have my business books on Audible.com. It’s as easy as having an extra app on your phone. So, when I’m waiting for a train or driving to a meeting downtown, I play my Audible app and get some business reading done!
3) Create a Quick Hits List.
Create a list of tasks that are short and easy to accomplish on either your iPhone or on a piece of paper that’s visible on your desk. When you get back form a meeting early or have a minute before lunch, you can quickly get another thing done.
4) Use the 50-10-50 Rule.
Here’s the “YOU-MUST-DO-THIS!!” key to getting those bigger to do’s … done!
Check out this video for more details on how to do this.
5) Just Do it.
Nike’s right. Paper or Electronic – use what works for you and just get it done!