Ok, I’m gonna get real in this week’s blog.
If you look in the media today, there are constant messaging that women aren’t good enough.
Advertising that sexualizes women to sell everything from perfume to hamburgers, magazines that hold up size 0 models as the definition of beauty and success while the average woman in the US is a size 14. On top of that, US women still only earn about $0.81 for every dollar a man makes.
It’s not just in the US, around the world, young women who try to educate their minds and better themselves, fight an uphill battle. If you haven’t heard about the kidnapping of an entire school of girls in Nigeria or the story of Malala Yousafzai, check out this link: White House Address from First Lady Michelle Obama
So this week’s blog, I dedicate to all women who are working to improve their lives through education and self growth.
The truth is that even the most successful professional women struggle with self confidence (yep, including me.)
So, here are my 5 Keys to Feeling Confident Anytime, Anywhere:
Acknowledge your W.I.N.S!
1) Successes
2) Worth
3) Intelligence
4) “NO!” Ability
5) Sassiness (Inner Diva)
Check out the video for my simple strategies for HOW to incorporate these into your life today!